For any additional inquiries, reach out to our support.

What are the payment options?

You can pay using Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, iDEAL, Klarna and Bancontact. The payment options can vary from country to country.

Virtual Gift Card

In case you received a virtual card (e-mail) you can simply enter it during check-out in your order summary.

Boxed Gift Card

In case you received a physical card (Boxed Gift Card) go to the ‘Payment’ step.

Additional cost: Orders within Europe will not be subjected to any additional charges. For countries outside Europe; there may be added additional charges added by your local customs. These fees are paid to the local carrier and customs.

Please contact us about your order status, we will gladly update you on your order and the estimated delivery date.

If you wish to return your order, please refer to our return policy.

It is not possible to modify orders placed online. After the delivery of the order, you can request the return of the products you wish to return. Your return request needs to be approved before you can send your order back. Please check our return policy to see if you are eligible for a return. If the return is accepted, you will receive a full refund of the products. After your order has been processed, it is not possible to cancel your order. The process time may vary, so contact us as soon as possible to know whether your order can be cancelled or not.

The shipping costs of your order are not covered. You will be responsible for the shipping costs. The costs will depend on the delivery address and method.